Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Honduras Day 4

Tuesday June 4, 2013
El Gavilan was founded in 1978 and has approximately 200 people. They have 59 students in the school which is about 12 km away. The roads to get to the village are almost impassible in heavy rain and caused us to leave early again, unfortunately, to ensure a safe arrival home.   

Nury (our Honduran director) gave her cross away today to an elderly woman who approached her and stated "I've always wanted a cross just like that!" This stole Nury's heart and as she placed the cross around the lady's neck, she explained to her that her responsibility is now to serve God and her people since that is the purpose of bearing the cross. There is a midwife in the village, but in order to promote woman getting prenatal care and delivering at a hospital, she does not actively practice.

Medical clinic saw 125 people today. We had mixed assessments of the children, some saw very healthy, well-nourished children, while other stations had multiple congenital heart defects. We saw more GI upset symptoms today, as opposed to respiratory from yesterday.

The eye clinic saw 12 patients, deworming 58, fluoride 15, and dentistry 10 with 10 extractions. Although we had to leave early we felt good to know that many were still seen, many with moderately healthy conditions, as well as such a happy vibe from the village. As a whole, the children were smiling more and were more interactive with the team; seeing the smiles always makes it a good day!

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