Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spring Into Missions at Farmville UMC!!

Mission Update at Farmville United Methodist Church

There certainly is a lot going on, as always, in missions here at Farmville United Methodist Church!  Last night concluded a month long fundraiser push for our Honduras Medical Missions Team.  

They hosted 2 pancake events, a Brunswick stew sale and of course in December they had their Angel Tree for people to donate money for medicine for the children of Honduras!  Thank you to all who donated generously and God Bless those on the Mission Team who have worked so hard!

Some other fantastic Mission work that has gone on has been our Souper Bowl of Caring where our Fusion Youth Group collected $650 and over 70 not perishable food items!  Our Youth Group is always so focused on mission - Thank You to Lyndsie for leading our awesome youth through such  positive experiences!

This year's Souper Bowl of Caring monetary collection goes toward Stop Hunger Now, which brings me to yet another important mission that our church will participate in!  On March 7th, we will gather for our "March Midweek Meal & Mission"  We will partner with the Longwood University community for Farmville's largest Stop Hunger Now meal packing event yet:  20,000 meals!  We as Farmville UMC have committed to raising the $2500 it costs for half of those meals!  This Lenten season, how will you prepare yourself for the remembrance of the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ?  Will you commit to praying and providing one meal a day during the 40 days of Lent to help feed God's children?  That is only 25 cents a day, or $10 total to provide 40 meals to someone who may otherwise not eat!  You may place your contributions in the offering plate or bring them to the church office.  Simply add "Stop Hunger Now" to the memo line!  Together, we can reach our goal of raising $2500 to pack & provide 10,000 meals for those in need around the world!

Spring Break is right around the corner, which is hard to believe since we just had our first snow fall of the season!  The Wesley Foundation is going to Guntersville, AL the week of March 10-17.  17 have signed up for this mission to do tornado repair in the Guntersville area.  Please Pray for this Mission Team.  We are also collecting monetary donations as well as donations of drinks & snacks for the trip!  Contact Rich Meiser, Campus Minister for more information at 392.8089 or 

Also, coming up in April, Farmville UMC will host a Conference UMVIM(United Methodist Volunteers In Mission) team leader training seminar on Saturday, April 21, 2012.  Our mission team will be responsible for meeting & greeting, providing food & drinks as well as technical support.  We are also hoping church members may be interested in taking the training themselves! Visit for more information & training registration forms!  Contact Rick Swayne, Missions Chair if you can help that day at

These are just a few of the many great missions that go on in & outside of the walls of Farmville UMC.  To make a contribution to any of these missions simply place a check in the offering plate with the designated mission in the memo line or bring your donation by the church office between 9-3 M-F!  To participate in a mission or get more information call our office and we will put you in touch with a mission leader!  392.4686 or

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