October 12, 2011
After breakfast (ham, onion and pepper omelet, watermelon, laughing cow cheese and toast), we began work with moving the last of the rock pile! Within a short amount of time we finished. Then we moved some cement, but it was for the workers to build up the wall with the rocks, so they didn't need much. We waited and waited for more rocks, then we heard that the truck had gotten a flat tire along the way.

So, most of us decided to take a walk to town with Patrick and Solomon. I didn't realize we were going all the way to downtown Hinche. After being in the small village of Odee for a while, Hinche seemed so busy and chaotic. Solomon and Patrick seemed to be on edge the whole time. They both kept looking around at our group to make sure everyone was okay, and made sure we were out of the way of traffic, etc. We stopped at a little road side stand and Jen bought us some Cokes and 7Ups! Patrick said that one of the people behind the stand said that we must have won the lottery for buying all the sodas.
The old Catholic Church in town (they are building a new one) |
A park in the center of town |
Washing clothes in the river |
Remainders of the old bridge that collapsed |
When we got back there were still no rocks! They were supposed to be there in "10 minutes" which became the running joke all week since "10 minutes" always ended up being much much longer. We ended up going to lunch because they still had not arrived. After lunch we moved a little more cement. Today has been the hottest day here so far.
We moved VBS to 3:30 so we could get more work in once the rocks arrived...but they never did. Colleen, Jen and I all took showers before VBS since it would be a later day and all the guys would need to shower before dinner as well. We had a smaller crowd since we held it later--about 20 kids. Mike read the story of Nicodemus visiting Jesus (John 3:12-20 I believe). Then they had snack--granola bar with peanut butter and raisins on top. Then we made cross necklaces. About the time we started the necklaces it started thundering and lightning pretty badly. We finished quickly (the kids LOVED the necklaces) and ran to the church just as it started pouring. It poured for a good half and hour or so. The dirt street turned into a river! Getting to dinner was interesting. It was so muddy that Mike actually fell and landed hard on his hip and shoulder. He's pretty sore, but okay otherwise. Lulu got us ice cold bottles of Coke and Sprite for dinner! It was yummy along with pork loin, macaroni salad, rice, beans and bread. We came right back to the church after dinner so we didn't have to try to navigate back in the slippery mud in the dark. The walk to the bathroom was interesting as well since all the hills of dirt from digging out the footer had turned into slippery mud hills. After devotion (Josh led), Don, Josh and I played rummy while Colleen, Jen, Chris and Dave played Spades. The others slept or read. Thankfully, the rain cooled everything off a lot after a hot day. Tomorrow is our last day here before we head back to the guest house Friday morning. Oh, we also got some of our clothes washed today by a member of the church! Colleen got some pictures of our clothes drying on top of the cactus plants that line the properties here. Thankfully they got our clothes down before it started raining. It's so nice to have some clean clothes and to help a member of the church financially. Tomorrow we will host the health clinic instead of VBS.
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