Sunday, July 31, 2011



We are here at Franktown UMC snuggled in and looking to get some sleep for our day tomorrow. After a great send off sermon by Pastor Larry Lehman about faith and feeding the 5000 we headed out. Rain accompanied us most of the way to the Eastern Shore. We ran out of it from time to time but it wasn’t until we were across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tunnel that we cleared it. We stopped for a late lunch at a place that Rich recommended called Sting Ray. A local joint that most people would really pass by if they didn’t know about it. We lined up at the register to place our orders. Renae was looking over the menu and wanted to know what was good. Someone recommended a soft shell crab sandwich. Never having tried one before she thought why not. When we sat down we explained to her what it was. She wasn’t so sure about it then. When it came she was hesitant but stepped out in faith and took that first bite. She enjoyed it. Not sure she would order it again but she ate it. Which is more than I can say for the author of this blog!

We headed on to Franktown UMC and arrived safely. After unpacking and exploring the church we headed out to our job site. After riding for another 20 minutes we found it. A nice size house (over 1400 square feet) with 4 bedrooms. We thought that we’d be doing siding and roofing. Well most of the siding is up and so is about half of the shingles. But that is OK because there is plenty still to do.

After checking out the house we all headed to Wal-Mart to get our supplies for the week. The Wal-Mart over here is brand new and very big. We got our supplies and headed for our home for the week.

We had hoped to try a local pizza place but they aren’t open on Sunday so we ended up with frozen pizzas. After figuring out how to work the stove and finding enough pans for the pizzas we had dinner.  After dinner we sat around the table just talking and laughing. One of the great things about a mission trip is getting to know the team members. Joking with one another and sharing stories is a wonderful team building experience. 

After we cleaned up we had our devotions led by Regina and Renae. The lesson was on Jesus’ first miracle of turning the water into wine. Afterwards we opened some of the cards that we received to encourage us on our mission. We are truly blessed to be part of a loving and supportive church family. We thank you all for all of the cards, drinks and snacks that we have been showered with. We are all looking forward to getting out to the jobsite tomorrow to get to work.

The rest of our team will be joining us tomorrow. Pat, Becky, Colleen and Eric will be arriving at various times on Monday. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel.

We are praying for all of you back home and for the home owner that we are here to serve. God’s blessing!

PS: Once I figure out how to do so I will include some pictures.

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