Tuesday, October 5, 2010


"Pastor" Pascuela
Wow! What a day we have had here.  The day started with rain and only one child going in for surgery.  Pascuela led us in wonderful devotions, reminding us that when we give the little that we have, it gets multipied many times.  Throughout the day four of our most "active" kids went home, including Nerlin.  But not before I had the pleasure of rocking him to sleep one more time.

We had a surprise visit from one of my favorite translators, Raphael.  It was good to see him and catch up on life.  Unfortunately, while giving him a hug hello, I was bitten by some nasty bug that has left my right arm very sore and a little swollen.  Doctora Moncada is watching it closely for me.  Sadly enough, I got extra attention from Pascuela in the form of an hour massage!  It was really tough to deal with....NOT!!  She does have magic hands!
3 month old Genisis

8 month old William

Ok, I know what you are thinking...where is the busy part of the day.  It came in the form of 5 new arrivals.  Four of them post surgery, with three under a year old.  Little Genisis was a add-on to Monday´s surgery list.  She is a failure to thrive baby with a huge hole in between her ventricles.  She was very close to death when she arrived at the hospital.  We are continuing to watch her very closely.  Crying makes her oxygen level drop quickly and she continues to have some fluid in her lungs.  Julie (who has night duty tonight) is going to be busy keeing a close eye on her.
It took us about two hours to get everyone settled, assessed and charts written on (yes, in Spanish...that has been a challenge).  Just as we were finally ready to sit down to eat dinner, Genisis and her mom came to the kitchen door.  Genisis was crying and obviously having some difficulties.  As we called the hospital for instructions on new medicines, I was amazed as I watched the other mothers gather around this frightened young parent.  They gave her words of encouragement and prayed with her.  They all have watched and worried over their children this week.  They have made their own support group.  God is working miracles through everyone here.
Going home!
Our day has ended as it started, with rain.  It is cool outside but our hearts are warmed.  There is joy here that many of us will never understand.  Only God´s gives that kind of joy.
One child at a time,

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