Farmville United Methodist Church is responsible for staffing USDA FACES (Farmville Area Community Emergency Services)on the 4th Saturday of each month. The reason it is designated "USDA" is because the food on this particular weekend comes directly from the government. When we get food from the government we never know what we are getting until it arrives. On the other Saturdays the food comes from local sources. Food items vary each weekend. Once in a while FACES will have meat to hand out. Most often the food FACES provides is canned food, bagged and boxed food.
When it is FUMC's weekend to work FACES, we need 6-8 hard working folks to volunteer. The work consists of filling bags with groceries for local families in need. We also carry groceries to cars for people.
There are other ways to help with FACES if your schedule will not allow you to physically join us on the 4th Saturday. We have a FACES closet here at the church. You can bring your non-perishable food items to the Church and we will deliver it to FACES. However, monetary donations go further than if you were to purchase food yourself. Our FACES leader has the ability to purchase food for FACES at .25cents a pound. Donations for FACES can be brought to the Church office or placed in the offering plate on Sundays. Be sure to put FACES in the memo line on your generous donations!
If you are looking for a rewarding local mission, FACES is a great place to start! Contact April McBride for more information : 434.391.9905
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