So here is my, and Farmville UMC's, first efforts on the new mission blog. I hope I can keep everyone informed about what is going on my trip to Honduras this coming week. I leave Saturday (Oct 2) at 7:25am from Richmond. Will arrive in San Pedro Sula at 12:45p their time (two hours difference). This trip is with the Cardiac Surgery Team from the Friends of Barnabas Foundation. There will be 35 team members from all over the US. The team will be performing 17 open heart surgeries and 40-50 cardiac caths in a 9 day period of time.
My job is to help care for these children when they leave the hospital and return to the Friends of Barnabas compound in Pena Blanca. Really excited about playing, teaching and helping these children recover in a wonderful place of healing. The children, and their parents, will stay at the FOBF compound until they are fully recouperated.
Serving the childern
Barnabas House Complex
The really cool thing about the cardiac surgery teams from FOBF is that they are the only people doing cardiac surgery in Honduras. Children are referred from all over Honduras as well as neighboring countries. FOBF is well known for its service to and great care of the children of Honduras.
So that is a little background before I leave. Will try my best to get a post out each day. It is the rainy season there, so sometimes internet connections are a little iffy.
Thanks for your prayers for the children having surgery, their families as they wait, and the nurses and doctors caring for them. Talk to you soon as I can!
One child at a time,
Patti Wagner